DelfMPEG 0.6 ARexx doc (Thu 27-Jul-2000) DelfMPEG can operate in two different modes: -interactive mode (play files that were specified by the FILES command line option or selected using the reqtools requester) -ARexx mode (activated by the AREXX command line option; the program is controlled via the ARexx commands listed below) To get DelfMPEG into ARexx mode just specify the AREXX command line option, together with the other options you want to use. Only one instance of DelfMPEG can run in ARexx mode at the same time. examples: DelfMPEG AREXX VERBOSE SHOWTAG (gives you a lot of output, including all received ARexx commands) DelfMPEG >NIL: AREXX SHOWTAG (no output at all) ARexx commands - port name 'DELFMPEG' QUIT quit program PLAY play the specified file; this command only works if the player had been stopped before, during playback the PLAY command is simply ignored STOP stop playback; it's usually a good idea to use STOP before PLAY PAUSE pause playback; can also be used before PLAY command (when the player is stopped), the next PLAY will initialize the file reader without starting playback, you can use the GET... commands to get some file info and later use CONTINUE to start playback CONTINUE continue playback after PAUSE command SETVOLUME set playback volume (in per cent; range 0...200) this command always works, even before PLAY; please note that values higher than 100 might cause distortions due to output clipping (you'd better use the controls of your amplifier to boost the volume) SETPOSITION set playback position inside the file that's currently playing; this command works in PLAY and PAUSE mode, but not in STOP mode **NOTE: this doesn't work if the STRICT command line option is specified! GETSTATUS get program status code: 0 - player stopped (after STOP command or when playback is finished) 1 - playing (after PLAY and/or CONTINUE command) 2 - player paused (after PAUSE command) 10 - error: initDelfina failed 20 - error: file not found 30 - error: file not recognized as MPEG1 audio (if an error occurs then the player automatically returns to STOP mode) GETFILENAME get file name (was set by a PLAY command before) GETFILETYPE get file type information (MPEG layer, bit rate, sampling rate, channels); this is the same string that DelfMPEG also prints to stdout GETDURATION get total playback duration of the file (in seconds) GETPOSITION get current playback position in the file (in seconds) **NOTE: this doesn't work if the NOTIMER command line option is specified! GETTITLE GETARTIST GETALBUM GETCOMMENT GETYEAR GETGENRE get ID3v1 tag information; the returned strings will be empty if the info is not available; GETGENRE returns the genre number (e.g. 17 for 'Rock') **NOTE: you need to specify the SHOWTAG command line option for this!